Professional Education Training School
Building Type:Education
Years:2009 and before
Status: competition entry
Gross Floor Area: 170,000 sq.m.
Year: 2007
Years:2009 and before
Status: competition entry
Gross Floor Area: 170,000 sq.m.
Year: 2007
The plan for the Professional Education Training School in Taiyuan called for a design that would accommodate both the study and living requirements of a student population of 6000 and a short-term student population of 1000. The proposal combines both rational and free-form planning strategies, applying them in both study and living spaces. A ring road connects the open spaces with the main classrooms and study spaces within the ring, and dormitories and sports fields outside the ring. A waterway and lake defines the center of the plan creating a central axis flanked by classrooms on either side and closed off by the main library and the campus bell tower.